Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS)
(This is based on the 41st regulation of the Industrial Safety&Health Law)

1. Chemicals and Manufacturer information
Product name BLUE
General chemical features mixture of C.I Number 74160 Sio2 Clay
Harmfulness classification CERCLA(0)     fire : 0    reactivity : 0    continuity : 0
NFPA index(0)   health : 0    fire : 0       reactivity : 0
Usage For colorant of cement mortar
(supplier ) information
Corporate name Daejin Co.(Ltd)
Address Sinchon-ri 784-1, Changnyeong-eup, Changnyeong-gun, Southern Gyeongsang Province
Tel. (055) 533-0074 ~ 5
Made by Lab Writer Written date
Revision and final revised date

2. Names and compositions of elements
Name Another name CAS No. List-registered No. Content(%)
phthalocyanine blue and others B-phthalocyanine
11~12% 88~89%

3. Harmfulness. Hazard
Information necessary for emergency No special harmfulness
Potential effects on health Eyes Possible some stimulus when long contacted
Skins Possible some stimulus when long contacted
Inhalation Possible to cause stimulus
Intake Possible to cause stomach problems
Chronic influences No data
Symptoms No data

4. Aid for emergency
Eyes contact Wash with water immediately and go to see an doctor.
Skin contact Wash it with water, soap or neural detergent immediately.
Inhaling Go to the place of fresh air and if necessary, get medical treatment from a doctor
Intaking Rinse a mouth and drink fresh water and if necessary, get medical treatment from a doctor
Information for doctors No special detoxicant and required to cure functionally by symptoms

5. Explosion and fire
Flashing point No data Natural ignition point No data Max/min ignition limit No data
Classification and regulations by the Fire Extinguishing Act No
Fire extinguishing materials Water
Fire extinguishing measures and devices In case of fire occurring in other buildings that are not burned, use foam or powder fire-extinguisher
Harmful combustion results No

6. Leakage
Requirements necessary for
human body protection
Use dust-proof mask. Better with impinger facilities.
Procedures necessary for
environmental protection
store it into a closed container to prevent scattering and use impinger facilities for possible scattered dust into the air
Purification and elimination In case of leakage, remove it to the maximum by using vacuum cleaner and other equipment

7. Treatment and store
Safety treatment Stop dust-generation and use dust-proof mask.
Use it under impinger facilities.
How to keep Stay away from moisture condition and store it on the pallet

8. Exposure prevention and protection devices-related information
Mechanical management Establish local exhaust system
Respiratory organs protection Use dust-filter mask
Eyes protection No necessary Hands protection No necessary
Human body protection No necessary
Requirements for hygiene In case of eyes or skins contact, wash it with water
Concentration permitted No data

9. Physical and chemical features
Appearances Blue color powder
Odor No
pH 10.2±0.2 Solubility Non-watersoluble
Boiling point No Melting point No
Explosiveness No Oxidation No
Vapor pressure No Specific gravity 2.2±0.2
Distribution coefficient No data Vapor density No
Viscosity   Molecular weight mixture

10. Stability and reactivity
Chemical stability Stable at constant temperature and pressure
Conditions to avoid High moisture
Materials to avoid Strong acid
Materials generated in case of decomposition The results of the pyrolysis could contain oxides and nitro-compounds
Possibility of harmful polymerization No

11. Information of toxicity ( * )
Eyes No data
Skin No data
Acute influence by taking it in a mouth No data Acute inhalation influence No data
Subchronic influence No data Chronic influence No data
Mutagenic influence No data
Next-generation influence(reproductive toxicity) No data
Specifics No data
( * ) The document for toxicity is based on an analysis of a very similar compositional product according to the OECD experimental methods.

12. Influences on environment
Environmental materials air pollutant water pollutant soil pollutant
Aquatic and eco- toxicology No data
Soil migration No data
Remaining and resolvability Remained in soil
Potential accumulation in human body No data

13. Requirements when abandoning
Regulations by the Waste Treatment Act General waste
How to abandon Reclaim by mixture and hardening of 10~20% in cement
Aquatic and eco-toxicology No data

14. Information necessary for transport
Classification by the[Dangerous materials transport by ships and regulations for store] No classified into dangerous materials
Classification and regulations by ICAO/IATA ,ADR and RID No regulations
Requirements for transport Attention to container breakage

15. Regulations
Industrial Safety & Health Act No regulations
Harmful Chemicals Management Act No regulations
Regulation by other acts No regulations

16. Other references
Reference sources This document is based on materials MSDS and MSDS,
provided by Korea Occupational Safety&Health Agency along with our knowledge and so it cannot be used as a guarantee for a specific material.

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